Studying for exams does not need to be boring and involve kilos of paper and index cards. The internet IS your new best study friend, if you know how to resist the temptation of the fun and exciting bits! Check out these useful study tools:


goconcThis is one for the visual learners! This unique site allows you to create mind maps, a web of information that breaks down broad subjects into smaller topics that allow you to see how things are connected — this helps with both memorization and understanding. The site also has numerous other helpful features like flashcards, note taking, self-created quizzes, study planner, a collaboration tool, and a way to track how much you’re learning. Available on PC iOS and Android.


WhyYou all already know Quizlet – all your teachers have well and truly ruined the novelty for you – but don’t forget it really is a fabulous tool for revising and memorising your content. You can also download your sets to study offline on your phone! YAY!

Study Blue

studyblueCollaboration is the name of the game for this website. It allows students to connect, to share and access flashcards, study guides, message each other and collaborate on projects. It has a diverse content library, multiple study modes, class-based study guides, storage for all your notes, and a real-time self-assessing score that tracks your progress on a subject. Yet another one available on mobile platforms too.

Marinara Timer

timerManaging distraction is one of the hardest, and most important, study skills. The world is such an interesting place and we are connected ALL THE TIME!! In order to effectively revise and prepare for exams, you need to fight the charm of funny videos and memes and get on with the business! Marinara Timer allows you to customise how long you will study before allowing yourself and break and how long that break will last. It also allows you to customise the sounds that alert you to your short-lived freedom!